Monday, May 23, 2016

He's so cute! I think I'll name him Supper

Hey there er'body!

This week has been a very productive one. We taught a lot, found a lot, and learned a lot.  Basically the perfect week.

It started off with our weekly service at the food bank.  We go with the amazing Tedrick's whom we love oh so much.  We just parked up as much food as we could into a small box in as short a time as possible. If there's anything I've learned on my mission, it's how to be a Tetris pro.  And yes, I am a pro.

So one Tuesday, we went to try to find a dry Mormon who we're trying to dunk, but she wasn't home, so we knocked a couple of doors around her.  We ended up running into her neighbor, Anne, who, without even asking who we were, let us right in.  She apparently already knew who we were because she has family who are members.  We gave her a Restoration pamphlet, and she said we could come back the next day, so we did!  She is our newest investigator now, and it's the most exciting thing for me to get a new person to teach!  She's so friendly, and I just love her!

The next day we had zone conference.  It was so good.  It really made me re-evaluate how I'm doing things.  I'm happy to say that ever since that zone conference, I've exercised every morning! (Except for Sunday.) I'm still looking over the notes I took during it, and I've looked over them almost every day since then.  It's really good.  It was also so fun to see who's all here in the Kingsport Zone and get to know them. It's always fun and very different being new to an area.

After zone conference and having lunch with all the sisters in the zone, we drove up to Virginia to see Maria, a less active member.  It was so fun to see her because I'd heard so much about her and finally got to meet her! As we were planning what to talk to her about, neither of us could really think of anything, but we both felt like we'd be okay, so we went over with no plan, but we ended up teaching her about family history, which is something neither of us would have thought of doing.  It's just so amazing how much we can be led by the spirit.  If there's anything I've learned in my short time in Rotherwood, it's that I'm not ever the one in charge. I just have to be willing to follow the spirit.  I swear, probably every other day I'll have an experience up here where I know I was just being an instrument in the Lord's hand, and he was the real musician.

Which brings us to Danielle and Shane.  We were knocking a few doors around a potential investigator we were unable to find, and we had gone down a few sets of townhouses, and there was one building left, but we figured we could do that one at a later date, so we started walking back to the car, and then I turned to Sister Gill, and I said, "I feel like we should just do that one row of town houses really quick." So we turned around and saw a girl walking from one door to the other. We asked if we could show her a video, and she said, "Sure, let me just give this food to my husband." She walked into the other house, and I'll be honest, for a moment I completely thought that she was just not gonna come back out, but she did!  And once they're done moving from the one townhouse to the other, we're gonna go see them!  I'm so excited!

I'm so happy that God directs us where we need to be, as long as we listen.  It's so good to know that as long as I follow Him, I'll be where I need to be.

Sister Shelton

Last week's P Day adventures going up to Bays Mountain for my second time with the Rogersville Sisters.

Planking over a bridge. My Ab's are still sore from that....

Bunnies at the Hensley's!

And the ducklings!

Quotes of the week:

Sister Hensley: These are pillow bunnies.
Me: What does that mean?
Sister Hensley: Well, they're better that way.... They are just as soft, but they don't pee on you!

Me: Edward's Angel's!

New southern food of the week:

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