Hi guys!
So, I have loved this week! On Monday we went over to see our investigators, Beth and Belle, who I love so much! We got to help them out a lot and teach them about how when we rely on God, He'll make our weaknesses strong. It was really fun, and then we got to help Belle get ready for girls' camp! It was so fun that she went! She's seriously the cutest and sweetest girl ever!
Tuesday started out quite unexpected. I burned my hand on the stove, so we rushed over to the Mission Office in Farragut to see the mission\doctor, Elder Christiansen. He wrapped it up for me, and we went to do the rest of our day. We had a team-up set up for the day with Essence, which was perfect because we ended up having to go on splits. I had to stay inside because, in case you didn't know, it's hot, and that ain't okay with my freshly burned hand because it was irritating it, and my ice packs were melting like... like ice! So they dropped me off at our recent convert, Carolyn's house, and I napped and taught her a lesson on my own, while Sister Shuler was out with Essence. No worries, ya'll, my hand is fine now. :D
The next day, we went on my second splits of my whole mission. I went with Sister Cooper while Sister Shuler went with Sister Cruews. #thosetimesmembersgooutwithyou
On Thursday we went on a team-up with my new bff, Abby. She's the cutest girl ever. We took her around to a few investigators, and then we took her to see my other bff, Caden, and Sister Shuler (my bff) and I attempted to hook them up. #thatwasawkward #weareministersnotmatchmakers #allmybffsareinloudon But we love both of them still, anyway!
Church on Sunday was awesome, too! We had four investigators at church! Caden, Grant, Belle, and Beth. And all of them stayed all three hours! And I spoke in sacrament about obedience, which has become my new favorite subject. Everyone go look up Matthew 26:36-45. I never would have related it to obedience when I first read it, but as I was preparing my talk, I just randomly got the thought to go there and liken it while relating it to obedience. But as Shuler would say, "God doesn't do random. ;)." Look for the two groups of people who show their obedience/lack of obedience. It's pretty awesome.
So, Caden just makes me so happy, so I have to write a whole paragraph dedicated to him. Before I got here, Caden decided he wanted to get baptized on July 10th, and in my short time being here in Loudon, he's just progressed so fast! He started praying in the name of Jesus Christ. He stopped drinking coffee. He realized that being a member of our church is going to be hard work, and is willing to do it. He's become more social, and he loves it. He came to all three hours of church for the first time. His countenance has completely changed. I could go on.... But it's so crazy, because at one point they almost dropped him! And I love this thing that he asked us. He said, "On a scale of zero to one how happy are you?" Or in other words, without any gray area, are you happy? He said he wasn't sure where he'd put himself because like any normal person he has his ups and downs. But then he said something that really caught my attention. He said that when he first heard this question, he thought of Sister Shuler and me, and then he asked where we'd both put ourselves, and we both said "one" without any hesitation. He said he knew we both would be able to say 'one.' And then being the missionaries that we are, and knowing the answer already, we asked him, "Why did you know we'd both say one?" He responded with, "Well, you're always helping other people and you're living the gospel." EXACTLY! That is the perfect answer, Caden!
Guys, the gospel is where we get true happiness. It tears me apart sometimes when I think about how so many people don't know that. If you haven't been stressed out at some point in you life about how people need the gospel, you probably don't understand the gospel like you should. I mean, I probably don't even understand it like I should, but I just want everyone to know what I know and feel the things I feel because it is the best! If you haven't felt what I just described, go and immerse yourself in the scriptures and in prayer and in church! If you have felt what I'm describing and you're not feeling it now, go do the things you were doing when you felt it, and lastly, if you're feeling all of these things now, keep it up, but keep pushing yourself because there is ALWAYS room for improvement. The ONLY way to lasting happiness is through the gospel, so go do those things that the Lord has commanded, because he will provide a way.
Sister Shelton
That one time we captured a moment of us praying over our spaghetti tacos. #icarly
Caden made the Salt Lake Temple on Minecraft, and I approve. :)
Quotes of the week:
Me: I like you a loooot!
Sister Shuler: I like you a loooot!
Shuler: Jeez! You just blow dry your hair and you're instantly a model!
Me: Shuler, we're both models.
Me: I wish I could wink like you, Shuler.
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