Helloooo everybody!
This week once again was full of finding. But it was still really good. No luck with the typical tracting, but we've been getting creative with how we do things here. In my short time being in
Rotherwood, I've realized that's the way to go. Some neighbors that we gave flowers to the other day have been really nice to us since then and have started talking to us! At the very least, now they know that sometimes Mormons just give out flowers, and that gives us brownie points. Speaking of brownies, well.... More like cookies.... We gave some of those out to a few neighbors, too, which I think also gave us brownie points. Maybe we'll get so many brownie points that they'll add up to be enough so that we can make brownies... And give them out to one of our neighbors at their baptism! Hehehe! Our plan is working!...
We did some service this week, too! We went with the Tedrick's over to the food bank and packaged up some food. It was a lot of fun. I really like the Tedrick's. The night before we had dinner with them and nerded out about random gospel things! Add that to my list of hobbies. ;) There's also a really cool book series that I have to look up when I get home. It's called "Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites." Ya'll should look it up, too. I've only heard good things.
On Friday after district meeting, we went out with Sister Mills who is a missionary along with her husband in our ward. We went to this really random area that I hadn't been to yet. It's called Fall Branch. Our area is really weirdly shaped so the Elders' area actually cuts our area in half, and we don't usually get to go down to this other half. We went to see a few less active members down there. I really hope we get to go back soon!
I hope you guys all have another awesome week! Remember to do random acts of service, because it really does brighten people's day, and they'll be able to feel more Christ-like love in their lives.
Sister Shelton
This kitty loves me so much! It doesn't look like it in this picture, but I promise you she does....
This cat also loved me! Or... He liked being in a place that he didn't get mauled by little children... Yeah, he totally put himself there all on his own. I was pretty cool with it. #catparrot #missionarypirate
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