Monday, April 18, 2016

That Time We All Died

Hey er'body!

This week we've been the drivers of the struggle bus.  Everything was fine and dandy, and then BAM! We're sick.  Yup. Both of us.  We were going about our business on Wednesday, and actually it was looking up to be a pretty good day. We had district meeting, President even came to district meeting and we all got our interviews with him, then we had Quilts of Valor, and after that we were both just feeling so dead, so we ended up passing out, and when we woke up we both had fevers. So yeah, that's pretty fun.

We ended up not being able to do anything the entire rest of the week. We just slept and watched Bible videos, and colored in my awesome coloring book, and read the all the scriptures, which hey, those are all great things, but guys! I just wanted to be out saving souls! Instead I was stuck inside saving my body.... Or more like saving other people's bodies. Ours were already gone. There was no coming back for us. We were already burning. With fevers!

But hey, good thing the atonement is real, and we'll have resurrected bodies someday.  I'm looking forward to that!  But really though, some good things still happened.  When we first got sick, we needed the help of someone, so we called up Sister Beal to be our mom for a little bit, and it was just so cool because she came over to save us, and she said she'd been needing to feel like a mom, and coming over to help us was just what she needed.

So, there you go guys.  There is your spiritual thought for the week. Allow others to serve you because anyone who's ever done service knows that serving others makes you feel better, so let someone feel better by serving you.

Sister Shelton

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