Monday, January 2, 2017

One of the Twelve Most Powerful Sisters

Cue the dramatic music!

There are six zones in the TKM.  Approximately 200 missionaries. Somewhere around 75 which are sisters.  And I, I am one of the twelve most powerful sisters on the mission.  Because I am a Sister Training Leader!  Training missionaries all over North Carolina.  Molding their minds to fit my ways.  But never fear. My ways are Jesus' ways.

*cough cough*

Well that's one way to look at it, but mostly I'm just a normal missionary still.  We just had transfer calls this morning, and I'm going to Weaverville, North Carolina, to be an STL with Sister Reddish.
It's gonna be pretty awesome. Basically, I just help out President Griffin with the sisters in the Ashville Zone by going on exchanges with them, and giving trainings in some conferences.  Also, I get to go to MLC.  I know there are secrets they keep there.  Everyone says I'm crazy when I say that, but mostly that's the only reason I want to be an STL.  Haha! Nah.... Not really.... In all honesty, I'm just excited to help out the sisters in the Ashville zone.  I had a couple of STL's that helped me out a lot, and I got really close to them, and I just want to do that for them.

But besides transfers, and being an STL, this week was awesome.  We did a ton of finding, and got a new investigator named Kevin.  I won't have the chance to teach him before I go, but he seems really promising.

I also gave a talk at church for my goodbye to the Ward.  I talked about member missionary work.    It was pretty good.  I've definitely seen good things happen simply because a member in the Ward reached out to someone.  The Simes talked, too, because it was their last day in the mission field.  They are some of my favorite of the senior couples in the mission.  They gave beautiful talks.  And I'm gonna miss them a lot.

This area has been a good one.  I definitely learned a lot, and I have friends that could have only been made here.  I'm gonna miss the people I taught and the members in this ward. I know I had to be here, but it's my time to move on now, to the last area of my mission.


Sister Shelton

We had a ward FHE going ice skating. It was a lot of fun! I'm gonna miss these
guys.   :)

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