Monday, July 25, 2016

All the Ordinances

Hey friends and familia!

This week has been awesome!  We had transfers this week. I stayed here in Loudon, and actually, so did Sister Shuler, but we picked up a third friend, Sister Parry. She's so sweet! We will only be in a trio for the week though because Sister Shuler is going home on Thursday. It's pretty crazy seeing so many people leave and dealing with all of the emotions, but it's good for her.

This week we ended up spending a lot of time with just a few people, but it's been good. One of them is Amber.  She's been an investigator for about a year now, but she seems to really be progressing now.  We saw her three times this week on her request, and we committed her to read a chapter in the Book of Mormon, and within an hour of our leaving, she sent us a text not only saying what the chapter was about, but what the chapter after that was about! It was awesome! She was so close to coming to church, too! She totally would have, but I guess we weren't clear with her on what time it started, but she's progressing really well.

The other person we saw a lot of was Marissa, and there is a very good reason for that. We had to teach her about a month's worth of lessons in a week, because she got baptized, guys! Marissa got baptized!  It was so quick, but she was so ready, and it had to happen this week because she'll be leaving this week, and I don't know when I'll ever see her again, but I will see her again. I made a pinky promise with her, and that stuff is serious.  But it was such an amazing baptism! She was glowing from ear to ear, and I don't think I'd ever smiled that much, either!  She had a font side confirmation, so it's the real deal now, guys. Marissa is Mormon. Or as her sister, Raven, would say,
"Yes! We got another one to join the cult!"  Haha!  I love that family so much...

Now, I have to tell the story about our Sacrament meeting this week. Some of it was funny, and some of it was heart warming. Let's start with the funny. So we were all sitting in branch council that morning, and then Brother Webber said, "I just checked to see how many sacrament cups we had left, and I don't think we'll be able to have sacrament today." Thus, starting the wild goose chase.  The elders had to skip Sacrament meeting and drive all the way to Farragut to get some sacrament cups. While that was happening, Brother Cooper gave a nice talk, saying: "I wrote this out beforehand, but I think I'll say it just how I wrote it because it's funny. We all took the sacrament today.".... Then we went and sang a song with the young women for our musical number, and then the high councilman got up to give his talk. During the first few minutes of it, the elders all shuffled into the room with the sacrament all prepared. But it wasn't just the elders, it was them and one of the Johnson boys, and Caden, because he blessed the sacrament today. :)  After the craziness of not having the sacrament until the very end, it was an amazing Sacrament. It was so spiritual. It's amazing that we've been able to teach Caden and help him get to where he is now, and now he gets to help us get to where we will be some day through the priesthood he holds.  That's how the gospel works. Everyone lifting one another.  That, my friends, is an eternal principal.  It's beautiful, it's pure, and it's the truth. I say that in Jesus' name. Amen.

Sister Shelton

Here's us with Marissa and her sister, mom, and niece!  I love this family!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Gotta Catch 'um All! Investigators!

Hey yn's!

Literally everything happened this week.  We went over to see Caden on Monday to check in on him after his baptism.  After we talked to him, we walked back to our place with him, while he played Pokemon Go, and we didn't have the opportunity to talk to anyone while we were walking with him right then, but that was the day we got the greatest idea the TKM has ever seen.  Finding with Pokemon Go!  And guess what! The next day on exchanges, Sister Shuler and Sister Wagner found us two new investigators with it!  Guys, this is the new big thing.  This is honestly the coolest thing that I've heard of that's happened in the real world since I've been gone.  I'm getting it the day I get back!

The excitement of Pokemon Go was nothing compared to what happened on Friday though.  We have been going over to see Marisa and her family for awhile. She's the only one in her family who's not a member, and usually it's pretty crazy over there, so we've been waiting for a time when we could see just Marisa and ask her about baptism, so we went over to her house, and took her on a walk.  Guys, I know this is really fast, but she's getting baptized this Sunday!  It's so exciting! I adore her so much, and I just want the best for her. She's my little baby!

Saturday went nothing as planned.  We went over to Carolyn's house and repainted her kitchen with the elders and Caden.  Then we had a few lessons, and then we met up with the elders again.  Yeah, we're still with Caden, but now they were in their shirts and ties, and Caden was, too! He even stole one of the elders' name tags!  I loved it!  They were all so cute together! We went over to a prayer rally with them for all the Christians in Loudon, and then we got ice cream at our favorite joint down the street - Tic Tocs! It was a grand day!

The next day was so great!  We went to church, and we had 6 investigators there, one of them being Marisa. Then Caden received the Holy Ghost during sacrament meeting.  During priesthood Sister Shuler and I snuck in to see Caden and Jack receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained to Priests! It was so amazing seeing Jack's reaction to getting it. It was so special for him and his wife, Christina.

Later on in the day we went with Jack and Christina to the Fairview Baptist church with their friends who go there.  It was awesome. Strange seeing people fall over and hug as intensely as some people were hugging there, but it was chill. I love going to other churches so much!  It's my entertainment out here! I love seeing how other churches worship.

Well guys, it's the last week of transfers, so I'm getting a new companion.  I love who I'm getting, too!  Sister Perry!  We were companions for an awkward week and a half of my life when I was in
Pellissippi/Harden Valley. She's such a sweetheart!  I get her on Wednesday, but we'll be in a trio for a few days because Sister Shuler doesn't go home until next Thursday.  It's crazy killing off another
companion, but it's good. Sister Shuler is gonna be such a boss at being a normal person again. And I'll still be chillin' here being a weird lil' missionary for a couple more months.

Sister Shelton

The Wilson's moved this week. :/ it's okay though! They'll visit us" I love them so much!

Me and Sister Blickenstaff on exchanges!

My district at our last district meeting! (Left to right) Furrows, Parker, Evans, Johnson, Huskinson, (second row) Leon (with Kuhnen's face in front of his), Me, and Shuler!
Caden's pretending to be a missionary with us!

Our investigator Sam makes these! Pokemon go!

Quotes of the week: 

Daelyn: Mom, may I go to Mexico?
Anti Heather: No.
Daelyn: Why not?
Anti Heather: Because I don't want some Mexican coming over and cutting you open and selling your kidney on the black market.
Daelyn: Fine. I have to go tell them that I can't go.


Shuler: I bet you money they have wifi at this church.
Shelton: Dang it, it's locked.
Shuler: I bet you have to be a member.
Shelton: You have to pay your tithes.
*Shuler laughs and hiccups*
Shuler: Dang it! You laughed my hiccups back into me!


*As people start hugging really intently at the Baptist church*
Me: Sister Shuler, what if we hugged each other right now?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Caden got Baptized, Guys!

Hey everyone!

This week has been an eventful one.  It started off with the 4th of July. I told you a little bit about what happened here in my last email with working out with Johnny, but there was a lot after that. Later on we went and spent the rest of the day with the Webber's and the elders.  We went on a hike and then came back to the Webber's place and just played games.  It was a lot of fun!  It's seriously that kind of stuff that really makes memories.

On Tuesday we had a lesson with our new investigators, Jim and Linda, with Sister Webber.  And like always, Sister Webber took the lead, which really meant the spirit took the lead.  Guys, I just admire Sister Webber so much.  She is such a spiritual giant, and she doesn't let anything get in the way of that.  She just went where the spirit took her, and it was amazing as this truth was unfolded before their eyes.  Every concern was resolved.  And Jim and Linda are so ready for this message.  I'm excited to see where they go from here!

On Wednesday we went over to the Breeden's house to have dinner and a lesson with them, and then we were going to run off to mutual, but then it started raining, and all of our plans were canceled.  So we were rained in with the Breeden's for a little bit.  Then once the rain let up, we ran over to the church to have Caden's baptismal interview, and guys, he passed!  I'm so proud of him!  Not that I ever doubted he wouldn't pass. He's so strong in the gospel. It's funny too because a few days later, we were again over at the Breeden's just having a lesson and a bite to eat, when President Griffin sent out a text saying we all had to take shelter because of a storm that was coming, so we stayed at the Breeden's for a few hours, and couldn't go out and find the people we were planning on finding.  I don't know what it is, but we always get stuck at their house during the storms, but that's okay, because their house is cozy. :)

On Thursday most of our day was taken up in Farragut with zone conference and my interview with President.  It was so crazy, in President Griffin's closing remarks, he was talking about how amazing our mission has become at just going out and working, and how we're getting baptisms by simply knocking on doors.  Then he came over to Sister Shuler and asked, "Who's getting baptized on Sunday?"  And she answered with Caden.  Then he went off telling the story of how amazing he is, and how much of a miracle he is, about him gaining a testimony when nobody thought he would, and how he got his hair cut because he felt more comfortable at church like that. Then he said, "Guys, he looked just like you."  He's amazing he has such amazing potential, but even better than that he said, "That's the kind of young man who's going to be a worthy priesthood holder someday, and is going to raise the next generation entirely in the gospel."  He is, he really is, and all of that was just because someone knocked on a door.

Friday was filled with service.  We didn't plan it that way at all, but that's just how life seems to be as a missionary. Always busy, but very flexible.  ;) It's the best.  #strivingforthatallthetime. We went over to a storage unit to meet up with Sister Segersin who recently moved out of the branch, but was just visiting for the weekend.  We helped get all of the food storage she had and get it out to other members of the branch who needed it.  It was pretty exhausting, but it was good.  Then, later on we just happened to call Sister Cooper, and she was frantic! She's not the kind of person who asks for help, but since obviously the spirit prompted us to call her, we ran over to her house to help her out, and brought Carolyn with.  She had to make cookies for Caden's baptism, and can some salsa, and get her Relief Society lesson planned out, and honestly I think there was something else, but I just can't remember.  We ran over there to save the day and got a project that should have been done at 1 in the morning done by 5! Like a boss.   Then, we ran over to my favorite restaurant in the world, Gondoliers, and ate the best Greek/Italian on this side of the Mississippi!  (And probably on your side of the Mississippi, too.) We had a little branch party over there because of the awesome Segersins who do so much for everyone even though they don't even live here any more.  We also got to meet the new elder who just got ET'd over to our elders' companionship, Elder Leon.  He's pretty legit! It was really fun just having dinner with all of the branch and enjoying our time.

The next day, as good as all the other days have seemed, was the best day because Caden got baptized!  There was a lot that led up to that, though.  The elders' investigator, Holly, got confirmed that day in church, and then there was a missionary farewell.  If you see an Elder Johnson up in the Logan, Utah mission, tell him hi for me!  He's gonna do great!  While we were at the Linger Longer after church for him, I asked Caden if he was excited about his baptism. He said, "Excited isn't quite the right word for it.  I'm very aware of it, but it's just another step of progression back to our Heavenly Father."  Guys, I'm blown away by this kid! He gets it! He was so ready, and he is going to do amazing in life.

Then, his baptism came.  So many people showed up to support him!  I love the support in this small branch!  There were a billion pictures being taken, and so much love all around!  Sister Griffin and her daughter showed up, which was awesome!  And then his baptismal service started.  The spirit was so strong!  Brother Wilson baptized him, and that was so great because they just clicked so much, and he helped him so much through his conversion process.  He had to be baptized three times!  I guess we didn't fill the water up high enough. It was hard to get him completely under. It was a really special baptism. He's definitely got a special place in my heart.  :)

I'm so happy for Caden.  He's so strong in the gospel, and I know that things are only going to get better for him.  That's what the gospel does for all of us.  I've seen it so much in my life, and there's nothing like this work.  It's the most fulfilling thing I've done. And it's great because this work is eternal, and I'm never gonna get tired of it!

Sister Shelton

Me and Sister Wilson!  She's the most positive, happy, bubbly person
I've ever met, and I love her so much!  She's moving this week though,
but she'll always have a special place in my heart.

Caden's baptism! He got baptized by Brother Wilson, who is super awesome! I'm so happy for this amazing day we had.

Quote of the week: 

As we look at pictures of the new Cookville Zone:

Me: What is this?

Sister Shuler: They're already different from us! ;)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Too Many Adventures to come up with a Good Title

Hello from the other side!

It's been a good week. Action packed and crazy like it always is here in Loudon, which makes me happy because I'm gonna stay here the rest of my mission. ;)

So we started off our week with a trip over to the Hollis's.  They're a fun less active family, with a daughter, Marisa, who isn't baptized. We went over with Sister Webber, who is my idol.  I just want to be able to bring the spirit into a room like she does.  She took the lead with this lesson, and she taught her all about the Plan of Salvation, and answered all of the questions Marisa had, which is awesome because she needed that comfort in her life. And now Marisa is really enjoying our church a lot more.

On Tuesday we had zone conference.  It was really good.  President gave a bomb training as usual.  It was all about levels of conversion, and how we're all continually progressing.  On a mission we reach an incredible level of conversion, but we can only reach that next level by going home and getting sealed and having a family.  But for reals though.  I've had times when I think, "Why would I ever want to leave my mission? Why can't it just go on forever? This is the Lord's work!" And then I remember, "Oh yeah I have an even better work to do. Like get married and have a family. Because that's the kind of stuff eternity is made out of." ...I think a lot about these things since I'm killing off Sister Shuler....

On Wednesday I went to the bishop's storehouse with Sister Wilson and we did some service there.  It was really fun because I got to see Sister Weaver there who was from the good ol' days back in Grove Park! I just love her so much! And it was fun to hear about everything that's happening back there.

On Thursday we went over to see Caden with the Wilsons.  And we talked to him about temples and families, which was the best because the Wilsons just got sealed in the temple this week! I love being around so many people who are making covenants with God!  It's literally the best thing ever!  And let me just tell you something, Caden and Brother Wilson have such a bromance, and I love it so much!  I love seeing both of them help each other spiritually!  But seriously, Caden just gets it!  The other day I told him about an investigator I used to work with who said he didn't want to be a part of "the big church" and how he felt like he needed to go help people somewhere else since we were taking care of everyone there, and then Caden said, "But then he wouldn't be able to take the sacrament." And we were just like, "YES! You get it!"  I can't wait for his baptism! :)

Friday was tough, but good things still happened. We went over to help Christina with her storage unit. She's just been trying to get it organized and sell a few things. It's surprising how exhausting simply organizing this place was.  It took a toll on us the whole day, but we still got a lot done.

This morning as soon as we woke up we got in the car and drove over to Crazy Johny's house to work out with him and the elders. We worked out for about 40 minutes at his place, and then we drove over to a walking trail and finished over there.  It was quite the adventure. What we thought was going to be an hour workout ended up being a two and a half hour workout. But hey, there's a reason his name's Crazy Johny. Then I accidentally smacked Elder Evans glasses off of his face while we were on a bridge, and we looked around for them with no luck.  We decided to finish the workout and then came back to look for them again. This time we started looking with a prayer and found them almost instantly.  That's seriously how it always seems to go for me. But I'm good with that.

I'm loving it here in Loudon.  The adventure never stops here.  I think I'll stay here for nine months.  :)

Sister Shelton

Moonshine ya'll!  Fun fact for you.  Moonshine has been legal here in
Tennessee for about a year now.  Also, it burns just to smell it.

Monday, July 4, 2016

All the Sweet Moments